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The Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 2 Summary. It begins with usury and corrupt love; it ends with harmony and perfect love. The Merchant of Venice is a controversial play among experts of Shakespeare. William Shakespeare. A right person named Bassanio whom Portia liked, succeeds in choosing the right casket and Portia feels unbounded joy to find such a husband who was true and sincere in love and friendship. What penalty was Shylock demanding? At Belmont, Portia complains to her lady-in-waiting, Nerissa, that she is weary of the world because, as her dead father's will stipulates, she cannot decide for herself whether to take a husband. At Belmont, Portia tries to convince Bassanio to delay for a month or two assaying the casket test so she may enjoy his company. Nerissa. She is Portia's waiting-gentlewoman and friend, who is concerned about Portia's future. Portia For and Against The Merchant of Venice is "about" judgment, redemption and mercy; the supersession in human history of the grim four thousand years of unalleviated justice by the era of love and mercy. He was a scholar and a soldier. What is the relationship between Gratiano and Nerissa? This is a particularly cruel . Shylock comes on the scene and Salanio and Salarino ask of news among the merchants. Nerissa wants to know whether Portia has feelings for any of her suitors and whether she will consider disobeying her father's will. Salanio and Salarino are concerned by news that Antonio has lost a ship. 4. Explain why Portia waits such a long time in the trial scene before she reveals the legal loophole that will free Antonio from Shylock's clutches. Answer (1 of 2): It is always a good rule of thumb to assume that the characters actually mean what they say. Bassanio's servant. English Language Prepositions Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1. . She was unfaithful to her religion too. Portia is dearly relieved and sums up the reason for the prince's failure: "O, these deliberate fools! northeastern dean's list. Like Antonio, Portia is also sad; but there is a reason for her sadness. To the eyes of many audience members, Portia and Nerissa's relationship is largely seen as a platonic friendship. Portia and Nerissa will _____- and _____ their husbands upon confrontation over the matter of the rings: outface and outswear: Nerissa decides that she, too, will attempt to retrieve her _____- from Gratiano, the . Portia is usually very self-controlled, but she reveals her anxiety concerning Bassanio a little later when he has arrived at her mansion and is about to choose one of the caskets. She seems to appeal to his mercy, before telling him he is allowed to have his bond. Of course, for a healthy young woman to say such a thing implies that she is looking for sympathy for something else, so this is . We are introduced to Portia in Act1 Scene1, when Bassanio describes her as a . And yet for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing. clam worms in south carolina; dentons london salary; Menu Antonio is the title character in Shakespeare 's The Merchant of Venice. they are married and follow whatever . 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement markgabrielestrella2 markgabrielestrella2 Answer: THE ANSWER IS A BECAUSE EWAN FROM BRAINLEST2+4. Menu; Home; crawley magistrates' court results december 2020; homes for sale in margaritaville daytona beach. . Explore consistencies and inconsistencies or contradictions within the different social groups and in . PortiaWidely pursued noblewoman who is as intelligent as she is rich and beautiful. . . Later it is found that the justification made by Nerissa proved correct. 4. Others consider the play to be a tragedy because of Shylocks character. Jessica is the daughter of Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (c. 1598).In the play, she elopes with Lorenzo, a penniless Christian, and a chest of her father's money, eventually ending up in Portia and Bassanio's household. to fetch 'notes and garments' for her, and then meet her at the ferry leaving for Venice. Was the resolution just? The trial scene (Act IV, Scene 1) is the longest scene in Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice. Portia is interested. As far as Bassanio's play of pretend is concerned, we have to admit he is a . tennis requires hard -eye coordinating flexibility and to be able At the party, my sister helped us make the cake, gathering the kids for games, cleanup, and to drive some kids home.Correct or . 2. Portia and Nerissa tell the other couple, that they plan on staying at a monastery until their husbands return. Portia is happy that the Prince has chosen the wrong casket Her messenger comes Portia is happy that the prince has chosen the wrong School Bronx High School Of Science, Bronx As far as plot development is concerned, what is the importance of Antonio's agreeing to Shylock's bond? . And all the time it tells its audience that this is its . But in fact they did not do so. Jacqueline Sharma was born ___ the 11th ___ June 1980. In the sought after play called, The Merchant Of Venice, by William . are going to stay at a nearby monastery Portia then orders her servant, Balthazar, to go to her cousin, Doctor . Portia and Nerissa's disguise undermines and deconstructs the male hierarchy as they achieve more than Bassanio, Antonio or Shylock are able to achieve within the courtroom. What penalty was Shylock demanding? She is also beautiful, and knowing that because of her beauty and because of her wealth, she will be pursued by the good and the bad, many of them . Portia and Nerissa quarrel with Bassanio and Gratiano respectively about their missing rings, withholding their husbands' marital privileges until they have their rings back. Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, Nerissa, Lorenzo, and Jessica are all gathered together at Belmont at the end of the play. Portia responds: God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. Nerissa. Shylock is not only concerned with monetary matters. Support or refute: Shylock is a sympathetic character. Nerissa. concerned about the water logging in your area during rainy season. Nerissa understands her mistress. The character does not think about the long term consequences of the deception, being only concerned with their own want. The significance of this place is that many suitors are coming here in the hope of marrying this beautiful lady. Give a character-sketch of the County Palatine. The feminist literary criticism attempts to analyze patriarchies, where men hold the majority of power, while women are denied access of it. Portia Explains the caskets and the requirements for Portia's hand in marriage. In this scene, Portia's feelings for Bassanio are quite positive. Portia says she is not concerned with making _____ money: Portia asks Antonio and Bassanio to _____- her when they meet again: . He is kind, generous, and honest to Christians, and is loved . c. Nerissa tells Portia that all the suitors were leaving and Nerissa mentions Bassanio. Shylock is not only concerned with monetary matters. She is locking herself in prayer. The reference to 'mocker' is made when Nerissa asks her about the French Lord, Monsieur Le Bon. Launcelot Gobbo. The significance of this place is that many suitors are coming here in the hope of marrying this beautiful lady. Although the trial scene is mainly about the punishment and saving of Antonio but there is a fight between Portia and Shylock.We can consider this play as a study of justice, mercy and revenge which . Nerissa names the different suitors of Portia and Portia points out all their flaws. in scene 2 why do portia and nerissa review the suitors who have come to court portia. He is excited by this. PortiaWidely pursued noblewoman who is as intelligent as she is rich and beautiful. . What p enalty was Shylock demanding? There are some traits of Portia's and Jessica's personality that are in sharp contrast with each other . We can see this when she offers to give Antonio, a man she barely knows double the amount of the loan he owes to Shylock. 9. How was Portia able to save Antonio? how is portia characterized in scene 2. snobby kings daughter. Nerissa observes that to be rich and have everything, as Portia does, is just as depressing as having nothing: it would be better if she could choose to live a more moderate, ordinary life. Portia's lady-in-waiting and confidante. What is Portia and Nerissa concerned about? In Jonathan Star's edition of Merchant of Venice, In the society of Venice, the social system called patriarchy is quite ordinary. Instead, Portia's various suitors must choose between three chests, one of gold, one of silver, and one of lead, in the . Judging from the absence of any women in the trial scene it appears that they were not even let into the courtroom, let alone to be allowed to embody such a crucial role. Antonio: concerned, generous, affectionate, patient, solem. GratianoBassanio's friend with a clownish demeanor. Portia and Nerissa will _____- and _____ their husbands upon confrontation over the matter of the rings: outface and outswear: Nerissa decides that she, too, will attempt to retrieve her _____- from Gratiano, the . However, through Shakespeare's anticipation of "queerbaiting," one can infer that there may be an intimate romantic relationship between the two of them brewing below the surface. Nerissa, if she acts on her own, merely mimics what Portia does. removing external brick arches Upon his return Bassanio introduces the women to Antonio. Summary: Act I, scene ii. The exchange of vows between Portia and Bassanio is conducted at an intense and exalted level. Portia reminds him that no man is permitted to judge his own cause. He has doted on her and, unusually for the time, educated her to the point where she has become a legal scholar. he doesn't know if Portia wants to kiss him and is concerned about her consent: What is the theme in this passage: "I would be trebled twenty times myselfI would have myself tripled twenty times and friendship might stand high in your account. Portia says she is not concerned with making _____ money: Portia asks Antonio and Bassanio to _____- her when they meet again: . Nerissa shares the news that Jessica and Lorenzo will receive Shylock's wealth when he dies. (audience knows more than characters) drawn out in a comedic way by Portia & Nerissa . Portia speaks to Antonio and then to Shylock. The scroll in the silver casket reads, "There be fools alive, I wis [know], / Silver'd o'er; and so was this." Arragon departs then with his followers, promising to keep his oath. He chooses the lead casket, insisting that outward appearance counts for little where true value is concerned, and thus wins the hand of Portia. Ans: Portia instructed Nerissa to place a large glass of Rhenish wine on the wrong casket to tempt him and deviate his attention from choosing the right casket. This means that during the trial scene when Portia and Nerissa dress up as men, during the play it was actually . Gratiano has worked at it "until I sweat . Lorenzo tells . How was Portia able to save Antonio? She not only eloped with a Christian but also robbed her father of his money, jewels and gold including a diamond costing 2000 ducats and a turquoise . An influential, powerful, and wealthy nobleman of Venice, he is a middle-aged man and a merchant by trade who has his financial interests tied up in overseas shipments when the play begins. A comical, clownish figure who is especially adept at making puns, Launcelot leaves Shylock's service in order to work for Bassanio. A skull with a bone in its mouth. to see if they are even worth their time. She not only eloped with a Christian but also robbed her father of his money, jewels and gold including a diamond costing 2000 ducats and a turquoise . Portia was sure that the German suitor will not be able to resist the temptation if the picture of the devil himself was within and he will choose the wrong casket. 6. Nerissa. And all the time it tells its audience that this is its . Nerissa. How does Portia respond to Shylock? Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, Nerissa, Lorenzo, and Jessica are all gathered together at Belmont at the end of the play. Shakespeare uses the character of Portia to ask the audience to reconsider holding so much value in a socially constructed idea of gender that denies her power despite . Unformatted text preview: THE MERCHANT OF VENICE William Shakespeare [GROUP 2] THREE BOXES Scenes Characteristics Background and props Sequences (and starting pose) 1 Portia (Tho ng) Nerissa (An Ha) In the Portia's room.PORTIA: [walk around the room, sigh] Look how many visitors come to seek my father's property today, Nerissa. In the play's dramatic structure, Jessica is a minor but pivotal role.Her actions motivate Shylock's vengeful insistence on his . Portia complains about how she cannot choose a husband because of her deceased father's will. He is very much like a character of a tragedy as in Phaedra. Portia then asks Balthazar to go to her cousin Doctor Ballario with a letter and then take the items that Ballario gives him to the ferry that leaves for Venice. 8. She marries Gratiano and escorts Portia on Portia's trip to Venice by disguising herself as her law clerk. 7. We can consider this play as a study of . The emblem of a skull with two bones crossed underneath was usually known as 'death's head.'. Nerissa. Was the resolution just? This play has been argued by some to be a comedy. A) An you will not have me, choose. From the masculine commercial world of Venice we are taken to a romantic, feminine world of Belmont. 4. Portia and Nerissa arrive, warning the servants not to mention their absence. III.v.14. 1) Jessica was not loyal to her father. Launcelot Gobbo. Introduction. Portia seems to be conflicted about doing good things for others. Unlike the business city of Venice, her home is set in the contrasting city of Belmont, which represents love and harmony within the play. But because the play is a romantic comedy, its tone becomes lighter when Gratiano reveals that now that Bassanio has won Portia, he has won Nerissa, and his wooing is presented in bold contrast to Bassanio. . Bassanio's servant. He is not as nice as he seems. In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, the reader gets a sense of Portia's character in Act One, scene two. There are some traits of Portia's and Jessica's personality that are in sharp contrast with each other . Nerissa tells Portia that all the suitors were leaving and Nerissa mentions Bassanio. Portia and Nerissa persons are speaking from Belmont, the city where lives Portia, the rich, young lady. . . Portia and Nerissa were to stay in Belmont as spinsters or widows after their husbands leave for Venice. Like Antonio . LorenzoBassanio's friend who falls in love with Shylock's daughter, Jessica. Portia is usually very self-controlled, but she reveals her anxiety concerning Bassanio a little later when he has arrived at her mansion and is about to choose one of the caskets. . The trial scene (Act IV, Scene 1) is the longest scene in William Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice.It is the climax of the play where good prevails and evil gets punished. Explore consistencies and inconsistencies or contradictions within the different social groups and in . Support or refute: Portia breaks the rules of her father's will (the lottery) and helps Bassanio choose the right casket. I can't stand the reality that I have to let them . The reason why Portia and Nerissa disguise themselves in male clothes is even more pragmatic. A comical, clownish figure who is especially adept at making puns, Launcelot leaves Shylock's service in order to work for Bassanio. Also, she shows some eagerness for Bassanio to arrive with her future husband, Gratiano. A monastery is where nuns or priests live. Shylock can only talk of his daughter's betrayal. Nerissa names the different suitors of Portia and Portia points out all their flaws. The concerned teacher insisted that the boy should . 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement markgabrielestrella2 markgabrielestrella2 Answer: THE ANSWER IS A BECAUSE EWAN FROM BRAINLEST2+4. Nerissa advises and supports Portia, often reminding her about her duty to her dead father, especially when the suitors who want to marry Portia are choosing their caskets. Portia is one of the main character roles in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice, and is often related to as the heroine of the play. The plot unfolds through the conversation of Portia and Nerissa. . Portia and Nerissa went to Venice in disguise of a lawyer and her assistant, respectively and played a constructive role in saving Antonio from the clutches of Shylock. 5. She is going to dress up like a male lawyer to see if she can help Antonio and Bassanio. She appears to be in this play mostly to help Portia reflect on her thoughts. b. Nerissa names the different suitors of Portia and Portia points out all their flaws. are going to disguise themselves as men and go to Venice 'They shall, Nerissa, but in such a . Was the resolution just? Money, and the advantages and problems associated with it, is a central concern of the play. Ans:-To introduce Bassanio, Nerissa recalls the visit of a young Venetian along with the Marquis o f Montferrat, when Portia's father was alive. Nerissa then gets out her ring before Portia confesses that 'Portia was the doctor' and Nerissa was the clerk. Salanio and Salarino are concerned by news that Antonio has lost a ship. Bassanio, however, is impatient to resolve the issue, and insists on taking the test. Lorenzo and Jessica accept this offer and bid goodbye to Portia and Nerissa. adelaide city council parking permit. Portia is interested. Although the trial scene is mainly about the punishment and saving of Antonio but there is a fight between Portia and Shylock. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need to improve the condition of road. SCENE 4- Back at Belmont Portia, Nerissa, Lorenzo, Jessica, and Balthasar are speaking in a room in Portia's house. . Explains the caskets and the requirements for Portia's hand in marriage. Shylock comes on the scene and Salanio and Salarino ask of news among the merchants. What is Portia and Nerissa concerned about? LorenzoBassanio's friend who falls in love with Shylock's daughter, Jessica. This is because there is a lot of comic relief and the story has a happy ending. She recalls his name and tells Nerissa that he fully deserves her praise. She also gives Antonio a letter which tells him that three of his ships have made it safely into the harbour. They have to win the game of lottery by choosing the right casket in order to qualify for winning the lady's hand. Explains the caskets and the requirements for Portia's hand in marriage. The location of the scene is now at Belmont. As Nerissa lists Portia's suitors, Portia mentions that the Neapolitan prince is more like his horse, the County Palatine is a morose individual, the English baron does not speak her language, and . 1) Jessica was not loyal to her father. . Portia For and Against The Merchant of Venice is "about" judgment, redemption and mercy; the supersession in human history of the grim four thousand years of unalleviated justice by the era of love and mercy. A) Portia does not respond at all B) Portia begs Shylock one more time C) "Very well, then proceed." D) The bond ONLY calls for flesh, that is all that you are entitled to have . Nerissa : You would be sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are : and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing.

what is portia and nerissa concerned about

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