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What happened to the spirit of Joe Starks and Janie's marriage? Four of the best book quotes from Joe Starks. . Describe the incident between Henry Pitts and Joe Starks. 2. You see ten things and don't understand one." (6.180-182) From the beginning, Joe makes it known that he desires to be "a big voice." However, when he achieves a position of power, Joe takes it too far and, in Janie's eyes, becomes nothing but the big voice. Logan and Janie bicker about chopping wood. How do the people's reactions to the woman contribute to the mood? Jody is Janie's second husband, and is crueler than Logan. But his cruelty is not a result of any specific animosity toward Janie; rather, it is a reflection of the values that he holds and the way that he understands his relationship to the world. Joe Starks was the name, yeah Joe Starks from in and through Georgy. What expectations does Janie have about her new marriage to Joe? answer. It was barren, desolate and nothing like they expected. Logan thinks Janie should be able to haul wood, and maybe even chop it, too. What symbolic action does Janie do that indicates her readiness for change, as she . Through his strong sense of confidence, charismatic personality, and his financial background, Starks is able to gain the power and influence that he seeks within the town of Eatonville. Does he seem like a good risk for Janie? He wanted to be in charge. Joe Starks is a nice man that is willing to take Janie out of her miserable marriage and provide her with a better one. Find 4 examples from the text that describe her either physically or emotionally, according to the narrator, the other characters, or Janie herself. Describe Joe Starks. How did Joe want Janie to look and act? Describe Janie's feelings after this conversation. Share. One morning, Logan leaves home to go buy a second mule so that Janie and he can both productively plow the fields. Joe makes Janie bind up her hair and stay away from the conversations on the porch. Janie thought that Joes Starks dressed very nice and found him very appealing. Joe "Jody" Starks . Starks is a selfish person, playing a role of a "big" man who sees himself above others. There were no stores, or important buildings. What does Janie do when she becomes fed up with Logan Killicks? Why did Joe slap Janie? Jody's character is opposite that of Tea Cake. Joe and Janie move to a new all-black town. What metaphor does Joe use to describe his lifelong dream? What suggests that she may be unhappy if she chooses to go with him? 2. Been workin' for white folks all his life. Describe Joe Starks. Discuss why Joe would have held this ceremony in this way. Kept hearin' 'bout them buildin' a new state down heah in Floridy and sort of wanted to come. 12. He was no fist fighter. What is Joe Starks' dream? Chapter 4. Based on Joe Starks's statements . Janie's marriage has gone all wrong. Describe Joe Starks. Describe Janie's first impression of Joe Starks. How has Janie's marriage to Logan changed since they were first married? How . Observations from this section: Quotations (including page numbers), Literary Techniques, Themes, Motifs. What do we learn about Janie from this chapter? Janie's hair represents freedom! How does Janie behave when she first meets him? Joe catches Henry Pitts trying to steal a load of his sugar cane and banishes him from the town. Describe Joe Starks when Janie sees him. Why? 24. What were the two names of the towns? HW #8: Read pages 168-193 (Chapters 19-20) Complete 3-4 Double Entry Notes (DENs) Optional questions: Join Studyhippo Join with googlejoin with facebook. So she decides to try and get his attention. What did Janie do shortly after she met Joe Starks? Chapter 5: 7. . will take the role of a sales representative and make a presentation to Joe Starks, convincing him to stock their product in his store. Why do you think the mule captures their imaginations the way it does? The man's name is Joe Starks. What does Joe Starks plan to do in Eastonville? He transforms the deadbeat town of Eatonville into a more proper establishment—a place with a store and a mayor and committees and land for houses and families. What does Janie do when she becomes fed up with Logan Killicks? Click card to see the answer. "It had always been his wish and desire to be a big voice" (28). 1. The other townspeople feel this is harsh because Starks was so wealthy and he didn't lose the load that Pitts was trying to take. Describe Joe Starks when Janie first saw him. What metaphor did Janie use to describe the world? Joe Starks Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis Joe Starks If Joe Starks has one outstanding trait, it is confidence. At first he seems to be a suave, stylish, charismatic gentleman. What were the two names of the town? 3. Describe Joe Starks. Describe Eatonville as it is presented in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Stylishly dressed and had money and ambitions. 5. Janie is drawn to Joe because he is able to offer her what she desires,. Saved up some money - round three hundred dollars, yes indeed, right here in his pocket. When Janie first meets Joe she thinks that marrying him would result in her having a very easy and layed back life because he makes her believe that he would do all the work while she relaxes on the porch. Chapter 7 27. How do the people's reactions to the woman contribute to the mood? Chapter 5 1. Describe Joe Starks. ENTRY TASK On Friday you watched the movie version of Their Eyes Were Watching God through Chapter 4. He was citified. Who was joe looking for when he and Janie got to town? And throughout her journey, she learns a lot about love, and herself. 5. "Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston". Also known as Tea Cake Motor Boat Person who will not leave an abandoned house during a hurricane Mrs. Turner Bigoted woman who had a restaurant Logan Killicks Janie's first husband through an arranged marriage. What happens to Janie's voice the longer she is in relationship with Jody? Describe Joe Starks when Janie first saw him. The third assignment is to express a personal opinion: students will add a chapter to the novel, detailing what they think should happen next in Janie's life . change and chance: 8. Chapters 5 & 6 1. Who was Joe looking for when he first got to town? Which of the following does NOT describe Joe Starks? Describe Janie's first impression of Joe Starks. What did Janie do about Joe Starks' proposal to her to come with him? 28. 26. He wants her to work on a . What does he see as Janie's place in his "dream?" . What is the significance of Joe and Janie's meeting under the trees? 7. They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God.". They meet eyes and begin to flirt, as Joe tells Janie of his desire to "be a big voice," to achieve . Joe Starks is a stylishly dressed man that comes walking up one day - he seems to know everything, is a very self-confident invidual, and wants to buy in big to a town down south that is going to be made of only colored folks. He is black, but seems to Janie to be acting white. Her first husband Logan Killicks didn't work out because she was forced to marry him by her Nanny. From the moment he meets Janie until his death nearly 20 years later, he never doubts his ability to accomplish his goals. That's why he became mayor. Describe the mood at the beginning of chapter one. . That things will be better now; that he will show her what real love is: Their Eyes Were Watching God Flashcards . His bulk was not even imposing as men go. What metaphor does Joe use to describe his lifelong dream? citified, stylish; he's black but acts white; he seems sophisticated; he works hard; handsome: 7. Describe what Joe "Jody" Starks and Janie find when they arrive in Eatonville. Chapters 5 & 6 1. Who was Joe looking for when he and Janie got to town? She sees a citified, stylishly dressed man. 4. 6. But he was makin' money where he was. Things do not go as planned for Janie as she starts to realize how manipulative Joe Starks is of her. "It was citified stylish dressed man with his hat set at an angle that didn't belong in these parts." (27) (page 27) 3. 5. question. What do you think about Joe's expectations for Janie as his wife? Joe relishes in the admiration of others. Describe how Janie has changed by this point in the novel. Briefly describe Joe Starks. Upon meeting Jody, Janie feels that she catches a glimpse of the horizon. What details suggest that she may be happy with him? What did Janie do shortly after she met Joe Starks? What did Joe Starks speak for? Find examples and references in this chapter to the image of the "horizon." What meanings are suggested? 5. 01. Describe the mood at the beginning of chapter one. Describe joe Starks? What expectations does Janie have about her new marriage to Joe? Saved up some money—round three hundred dollars, yes indeed, right here in his pocket. 3. He was looking for the mayor. Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Crawford Character Analysis. Jody Starks is Janie's handsome, wealthy, ambitious, and power-hungry second-husband. Describe the funeral. Describe Joe Starks. The second husband Joe Starks, she kinda had feelings for him, but it wasn't . They sat in company with the others in other shanties, their eyes straining against crude walls and their souls asking if He meant to measure their puny might against His. STUDY QUESTIONS CHAPTER 5 1. Who was Joe looking for when he and Janie got to town? 25. Joe Starks Joe Stark symbolizes freedom and carefree living. In what sense is he a caricature of a black man who embraces the white man's definition of a strong, powerful man? 4. 1. . Joe was a fairly independent person, shown by his willingness to leave everything he had for a tiny town called Eatonville, mentioned in the beginning of his flirtationship with Janie. Chapter 5 1. Do you think Mayor Starks should have pressured Matt into selling the mule for 55.00? She ran off with Joe to live a happier life. 8. Pheoby Joe Starks Janie's second husband and mayor of Eatonville Vergible Woods Janie's third husband. Meeting Jody Starks prompts Janie to leave her first husband, Logan Killicks, who she felt treated her as nothing more than an animal. Click to see full answer Starks has full control over Janie with his tyrannical behavior and takes things even further when he establishes complete dominance over Janie. She accepted it and left Logan. Janie realizes what she deserves in a marriage and runs off with Starks to live a happy life with him. How do the people's reactions to the woman contribute to the mood? A dynamic character is a character that changes. 2. Describe Joe Starks. There were also very few people to meet. She took her time and made sure he was the right person for her. Why do you think Janie decides to run off with Joe? Support that the following statement is true for Joe Starks: "But any man who walks in the way of power and property is bound to meet hate. What did Joe Starks speak for? She has been gone awhile and is returning; she left in a blue dress, and came back in overalls. Starks is an individual who would not let Janie participate with the common folk and the exciting life of the town. Briefly describe Joe Starks. 4. He can persuade people to believe in his dreams, accept his management, and give him loyalty. When Janie meets Joe, she is still married to Logan Killicks, the . 3. Where does Joe want to go? Kept hearin' 'bout them buildin' a new state down heah in Floridy and sort . Why didn't Janie enjoy working in the store? What was the result of Joe's suggestion that the town . 9. Describe Joe Starks. she runs away to be with Joe Starks: Chapter 5: Chapter 5: 1. With this voice, Joe makes his opinions loudly known, often silencing others . For Janie, this is a confining experience—something which causes her to keep her feelings hidden from others and to change in her feelings about . 3. What happens to trigger Janie‟s final decision to leave Logan? 1. Joe Starks wanted control. Janie's three marriages were all different . What did Janie do shortly after meeting Joe Starks? He is a many with ambitions and wants to make something of himself in life. What does he mean? Symbols In Their Eyes Were Watching God. While Logan is away buying the mule, Janie spots a stylish and charismatic young man in town, who goes by the name of Joe Starks. (26) "You ain't got no mo' business wid uh plow than uh hog is got wid uh holiday!" (Joe Starks, 29) 2. Describe the mood at the beginning of Chapter One. The book, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is about Janie Crawford and her quest for self-independence and real love. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Jody (Joe) Starks is Janie's second husband. What actions did Joe take when he first got to town? 4. citified stylishly dressed spoke with a Northern accent had money and ambitions. It was not because of physical fear. Been workin' for white folks all his life. Jody Starks Character Analysis. Only a few run-down, and scattered houses. What does he mean? Related questions. How did Joe want Janie to look and act? CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.3 4. He's worked for white people all his life, but heard that there is a new town called Eatonville that is entirely populated by black people. Joe is the symbol of materialism and superficiality. 2. In what sense is he a caricature of a black man who embraces the white man's definition of a strong, . 3. Janie was very careful when falling for Tea Cake. He is cruel, conceited, and uninterested in Janie as a person. What were the two names of the town? Joe "Jody" Starks is Janie's second husband, whom she meets during her unfulfilling first marriage to Logan Killicks. What did Janie do shortly after she met Joe Starks? 1. Describe Joe Starks. Provide a direct quote that captures the change in Janie after Joe hits her. 7. Describe Joe and Janie's conversation that evening. However, this impression is merely a front—a manifestation of his ambition and hunger for superiority. "The wind came back with triple fury, and put out the light for the last time. 7. Also, find supporting evidence in the text to show that the townspeople were jealous of Janie and Joe. 6. The man's name is Joe Starks. 4. Support that the following statement is true for Joe Starks: "But any man who walks in the way of power and . Essentially, the honeymoon period is over, and Logan has come to take Janie for granted. Describe Joe Starks. 1. Briefly describe Joe Starks. 8. 4. She left Logan and ran off with Joe. 2. 2. Describe your first impression of him. 3. He is from Georgia. How did Joe's position affect Janie's relationship with other town residents? 5. He romances Janie away from her matter-of-fact life with Logan Killicks on the farm. (page 27) 3. Describe Joe Starks. What does Logan Killicks do to finally make Janie decide to leave? What are some of the main differences between the movie and the book? Get an answer for 'Describe what Joe "Jody" Starks and Janie find when they arrive in Eatonville.' and find homework help for other Their Eyes Were Watching God questions at eNotes In addition, there is a nonfiction reading . 6. He is well-groomed, attractive, stylishly-dressed; "sealbrown";self-assured and driven. Describe Logan's attitude toward Janie. Chapters 5-6. Shortly after Janie met Joe Starks she decided to leave her husband Logan. Why do you think Hurston chose the metaphor, "She was a rut in the road," to . What effect is the young town having on Joe, Janie, and their marriage? he spoke with a northern accent. Describe the circumstances of the first meeting between Janie and Joe Starks. What did Janie do shortly after she met joe Starks? (Joe Starks, 29) 1. After all, his first wife chopped wood… blah blah blah. Why didn't Joe want Janie to talk with the people? Neither was it because he was more literate than the rest. . Why do you think Janie is so attracted to Joe? What does Hicks think about Joe Starks building a post-office and a store? What is the significance of Joe and Janie's meeting under the …show more content… Upon their first meeting, what kinds of things do Janie and Vergible Woods (Tea Cake) do? Describe Mrs. Bogle. 6. There was something about Joe Starks that cowed the town. Analyze the figurative language that Hurston uses on page 29 to describe Janie's feelings about Joe: "Janie pulled back a Five significant characters have been introduced: Janie, Pheoby, Nanny, Logan, and Joe. Joe tells Janie that he wants to buy land in Eatonville; she is smitten by his attention, something that is compounded by her desire to escape from Logan. Joe Starks— Joe is a smooth-talking, ambitious political type. . What actions did Joe take when he got to town? It was called West Maitland and Eatonville. She sees a citified, stylishly dressed man. Janie recognized when she married Tea Cake that, although she had gone through two marriages without love, true love could be found. "Joe Starks was the name, yeah Joe Starks from in and through Georgy. In this story the main character Janie gets married three times. Underneath his fancy façade Jody is plagued by fragile self-esteem. And those who did live in the town appear distant from more urban ways of living. In what sense is he a caricature of a black man who embraces the white man's definition of a strong, powerful man? • "She had an inside and an outside now and suddenly she knew how not to mix them . What does Joe Starks say when the audience requests that Janie speak? 12. What was the result of Joe's suggestion that the town . What was Janie doing before she met him? Something else made men give way before him. Joe Starks is a citified, stylishly-dressed man. How does Janie behave when she first meets him? She finds herself in three marriages, one she escapes from, and the other two end tragically. 6. 12. Describe the incident with the cow and the dog. How does it change over time? She fell for him with his constant flirting and the confident charisma he seemed to demonstrate all the time. What does Logan want Janie to do with the mule he plans to bring back from town? Describe the tales that people tell about the mule after Joe Starks emancipated it. 19. Describe Joe Starks. Describe Joe Starks when Janie sees him. Their Eyes Were Watching God. When he sees that Janie disapproves of the way the townspeople mistreat a stubborn old mule, he makes them stop and then buys the poor mule from its . He is black, but seems to Janie to be acting white. He uses Janie his wife, as a symbol of personal success.

describe joe starks

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