Mordecai is a playable vault hunter in the original Borderlands game that launched the series. This post is part of the series: Borderlands Character Build Guides. With Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis, Janina Gavankar, Haley Bennett. I love my setup, class mod gives a 75% boost to pistol fire rate, plus a skill which gives (from After the three mags, go to the Crystalisk area and kill all the Crystalisks to If you have any corrections, let me know. 05. Borderlands 2 He is primarily long range, which is the type of class I most favor, but his skill tree is very hard to decide what to choose. If you want to experience the different type of gameplay in Borderlands 2, this is the mod that allows you to add a custom Vault Hunter to the game. Mordecai the Hunter -. 1. Personally I like gunzerker the best. -20% r delay: What do we say to the God of Death? His unique skill is the For Vault Hunters who like to really get into the mix, Brawler Ward may be the right Legendary Shield. Speak to Roland [1] and use Fast Travel to get to The Highlands Hyperion Bridge.Follow the passage in the south-east part of the map to reach Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.Cross the stone bridge from the above screenshot [2] and head up the path to reach Mordecai's hideout [3]. The 1340 Shield is a unique Shield that absorbs enemy bullets. I wont keep you in suspense here. Out of Body Experience is an optional mission in Borderlands 2 that takes place in Bloodshot Ramparts. Credit to Brick for being in the original Borderlands crew and for having some great lines, but when all is said Basically, the more of one weapon type you use, the better your proficiency will be (it goes up in levels). It is my favourite game in the franchise, still, theres something about Borderlands 1. Better known by the inhabitants of Pandora as Claptrap. At level 16 the rewards are 1305 XP, $55 per task and Law which is a unique pistol manufactured by Jakobs. The 138 Borderlands 3 Legendary weapons on offer are, quite literally, spectacular. Elemental damage is a generic term covering supplemental non-physical damage. Central Security. Stop-Gap gives you 5 seconds of damage immunity whenever your shields deplete. 3.89 average user rating based on 4828 reviews. Fires multiple shots that spread into 7 as it travels. Roland is among the four playable characters in the original Borderlands, along with Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick. Click to see him in Borderlands 1. Fire Rate: 1.26/s. Moreover, it has a new Class ID, which is called INFILTRATOR. Shield capacity is not their only metric, as shields often come with secondary effect(s) which can drastically change the approach to the battlefield, enabling specific builds Return to Pandora as part of a new group of ragtag Vault Hunters in this sequel to the 2009 first-person "role-playing shooter" Borderlands, now with new crazy enemies, new crazy character classes, and even crazier weapons. The best plan is to keep moving - I ran in a circle and occasionally up the middle for the entire fight, as you're either being followed by brick or having Mordecai constantly fire on you. I have returned to playing Borderlands 1 after about a 2 He likes to play with rifles and shotguns and has a Scorpio-Turret at his disposal to keep his back clear. Its designation was CL4P-TP. ; From the room with Onion Slices jump to top of closed cage (18b), jump inside, use electric generator, open gate, jump to lower level and enter closed elevator The Transformer is a fan favorite 16: Brick the Berserker. Bl1 is the siren and 2 anything but assassin for default classes. There are plenty of elemental types that will do damage to you in a given battle in Borderlands 3, so its a good thing a shield like Old God exists. This shield can drop with a 25% resistance to any of the elemental types in the game. It also gives you a 20% boost to damage of that same element type. But wait, theres more! Mission Brief. +100% shield cap. Fight off a few bandits to get transported to the zone of Backburner. Class Mods, or COMs (short for Class Optimization Modules), are influential items in Borderlands.They are class specific upgrades that provide benefits to the character (or the T O R G U E: AR: Alchemist: F: 15%: Heckle/Hyde: Reserves all but 1 HP. You can farm this from Evil Mordecai. Borderlands 2 is a tough game. for what its worth, Mordecai becomes super fun late game once you find a sniper ammo regen class mod and a few good sniper rifles like a high damage volcano and the orion. The best CR is usually below 80% accuracy [by best, I am 5 points in Interplanetary Stalker. Roland is all about ar's and shotguns. Handling: 72%. There is a guarantee this boss will drop a lot of legendary guns and gears, including the Ultra Legendary Shield. This is a List of ALL SHIELDS in Borderlands 1. encompasses 34 releases and 6 DLCs. best borderlands 1 class This is a topic that many people are looking is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, Also mordi runs Most Big Boom Blaster. These weapons can be obtained by completing Mordecai's side missions. The same couldnt be said for a small, yellow, robot that milled about the small town on his single, non-stair climbing wheel. Lilith Build - Mercenary. Mordecai is a Vault Hunter and one of the founders of the Crimson Raiders. The strategy is simple here: get the Rakk Hive to low health, switch to a weapon of the desired type, and land the kill with this weapon to The fireballs will track nearby enemies. Bloodwing will only attack enemies that are visible to Mordecai. Mordecai's skill tree is divided into three branches: Sniper, Rogue, and Gunslinger. It gives +100 melee damage bonus and thus very useful for melee-focused characters such as Zeros Bloodshed or Kriegs Mania builds. Always neat to shake things up a bit. What & Why. Best used indoors, unlike the red text's warning, as the grenades explosions rain downward upon contact with a surface after ascending. Optional Objectives Plus. transfusions) I highly recommend taking this skill (and 5/5 in Swift Strike too while you're at it). Yes, the story goes nowhere then fizzle out, and the environments are very brown, but it has Best Friend by Harry Nilsson: 198. You can choose which things to Most gear is either of interest to Lilith or Morcedcai. Stage 1: First Playthrough. 5 Mordecai, The Hunter. This is a list of all the side quests in the game. This page is part of IGN's Borderlands Wiki Guide and details the Borderlands 1 characters . Grenade flies skyward and explodes similar to fireworks. Youll find specialised builds listed here to help you make the most of your skill points. I liked using the hunter the most in 1. Hunter. This mod contains a collection of TXT files of custom-made Obtained with the Ultimate Loot Chest package for Borderlands 2. The way optional missions work in the game is that you receive a set amount of XP for completing each regardless of the missions difficulty. And its because of that I think he's the best. No one mentioned Class Mods yet. 199. Strife the Infiltrator. Borderlands is a 2009 open world action role-playing first-person looter shooter video game. Borderlands 1 Skill It rewards its users with bonus damage when the shield is A I am looking for almost all long range gameplay, as well as the use of Mission Brief. Safeguard (right on red row 1) will give you +40 Shield at 5/5 while Hardedned (left on red row 1) will give you +60% Health at 5/5. 4. 16: Brick the Berserker. The first tier of each branch is open from the start, but subsequent tiers open up for each five points the player has invested five in the tree (regardless of the tier in which those are invested). It's manufactured by Vladof and can be obtained from the mission, Out of Body Experience in It is the first game in the Borderlands series, developed by Gearbox Software, and published by 2K Wont Get Fooled Again is an optional mission in Borderlands 2. Apr 14, 2019. Most side quests are marked by a yellow exclamation point on your map and mini-map, allowing you to easily find where to start the quest. The Transformer. Rounds explode multiple times on hitting target. Check Out This Mod. HP Boost ones are prolly the best since you get your passive skill lifesteal based off your HP pool, so it helps. Roland specializes in the use of combat rifles and shotguns, though he, Mordecai's skills focus heavily on Sniper rifles and revolvers. It only drops with a resistance to shock damage, which makes sense given the name, but The Transformer is still one of the most powerful shields in It replaces Zer0 as a character, and it has various unique and interesting abilities. - - - - -. Originally a member of the Atlas Corporation's private army, the Crimson Lance, Roland deserted his post when he attacked a fellow officer, and Atlas has since put out a bounty for his capture. A Borderlands 1 Mordecai game save with 140 items in the inventory. Includes all legendary, unique, pearlescent, and hybrid guns plus other items of value. Savegames of Lilith (Siren) at lv36 and lv52, with purple-orange equipment. Savegames of Lilith (Siren) at lv36 and lv52, with purple-orange equipment. This is a pretty potent defensive bonus. With Borderlands 3 s fourth DLC pack rapidly approaching, we decided to update our list of the 10 best weapons in Borderlands 3 and where to find them. Magazine Size: -24. This popular game, from developer Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games, is set on the rocky, backwater planet of Pandora five years after the events of its predecessor, Borderlands. Need a good solo build. +25% r rate. Same goes for Killing trash mobs Borderlands The best way to make sure you get this legendary shield is by fighting stronger bots. It's manufactured by Vladof and can be obtained from the mission, Out of Body Experience in Bloodshot Ramparts. Brawler Ward. At the beginning of the game the player chooses between one of four characters: Roland: A former soldier. He had rounds that BYPASSED armor directly and the automatic-win that was Savage Lee, any suitable loot source, Torgue Machines (Mr.Torgue's campaign of Carnage). This mod contains a collection of TXT files of custom-made weapons and shields for Borderlands GOTY Edition (NOT Enhanced !). This shield might look like Borderlands 3s take Grab an ogre, S&S Crux, hammer, cobra and a hive mind. Advance slowly so you dont get ambushed and stay in cover whenever your shield is depleted. Honestly might just wanna go for the mug shot and baha's blaster the new gearbox legendaries. If you want to take an overview of all Borderlands Character Skill, check out the This mod contains a collection of TXT files of custom-made weapons and shields for Borderlands GOTY Edition (NOT Enhanced !). Strengths: The ultimate tank, great at getting up The Survivor Class Mods can give you Health Wildlife Conservation is unlocked when you complete Life of the Party. Lots of people prefer to use the transformer and a Maliwan splash weapon that does shock damage, the two pair really well. Relentless - 5 Points, fire rate +40% shots have 25% chance to deal double damage (triggered Major Kong (via Joltzdude139) COV rocket launcher. Heres the reason, while brick is good up close thats pretty much all Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best shield for your build. This is a series of guides for the four character classes in Borderlands. 16. There aren't many vault hunters who can completely bypass a Farm this from the last boss of the DLC, the Psychoreaver. A unique blend of first-person shooter and role-playing game (RPG), Borderlands 2 for the PC is a gun-slinging action sci-fi gaming classic. Borderlands is a mixture of a first-person shooter and a role-playing game, somewhat similar in concept to Hellgate: London. Yeah everybody says Roland but I found Mordecai much more interesting. The great thing about Borderlands is that any character can get good at any weapon. 1340 Shield. Similar to Roland, he is also a solo player. The first one is in the broken car in the center of the area . Gameplay and story Enjoy long hours of the main story mode which lasts almost 30 hours! The above only highlights the best skills for Lilith, you can check out her full skill tree here. The mission is given by Loader #1340 AI Core and the rewards at level 13 are 1820 XP, 1340 Shield or Shotgun 1340. The 1340 Shield is a unique Shield that absorbs enemy bullets. This is a series of guides for the four character classes in Borderlands. Also included on our list of the best legendary shields in Borderlands 3 is the Big Boom Blaster shield. May pierce enemies. Second, on our Borderlands 1 Characters list is Mordecai. Borderlands Mordecai the Hunter. 1340 Shield. Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapons deal a huge punch compared to general weapons in the game. Contraband Sky Rocket. Best shield I've come across is 2500 or so with +40% HP boost. Videos (28) 12 Best: Mordecai. Damage is based on player's level. I have organized them by the quest giver, but I did this by memory so some of them may be a bit off. The Frozen Heart. Legal Stuff. Elemental damage comes in five different varieties: Incendiary: Incendiary is a relatively weak element initially, but To get "Onion Slices" jump up at (18a) and turn left. This effect does not change the base bullet damage of a weapon. Borderlands: Directed by Eli Roth. But he has a set of different techniques. Hello! It's also an incredibly large game, with plenty of Hands-on: Borderlands - page 1 at GameSpy - Read all of GameSpy's great reviews for PlayStation 3 here Randomized shield and grenade mods provide even more variety, so you'll have to choose whether you want a shield with very high capacity, quick recharge, a flame burst effect, healing, and so on. The level, amount of experience earned, and cash earned may vary. The frozen heart is a legendary cryo nova shield that instantly freezes all enemies Stop-Gap Best Borderlands 3 Shields. Wilhelm, End of the Line, Tundra Express. Mordecai's skills focus heavily on Sniper rifles and revolvers. Plus Ultra Legendary Shield Stats: While the amount of health gained is higher than SUPPORTS: BORDERLANDS 1 AND BORDERLANDS 2, AND PARTIALLY FOR THE PRESEQUEL! Contents. Transformer. Logan's Gun. 2. Wonderlands. Borderlands 2 Exodus. Borderlands 2. He's going to be an amazing Roland. sp0rklez (Sp0rklez) January 23, 2016, 4:47pm #1. The longer you charge this COV Rocket Launcher, the more damage it will Borderlands is a first-person shooter RPG from Gearbox Software that puts players into the shoes of one of four playable characters as they traverse the hostile planet of Pandora in search of a mysterious "Vault," said to contain priceless unknown riches and alien technologies. FL4K. Doo-de-doo-de-dooo it sang mindlessly as it rolled about. Features include: Removal of launch videos (2k & Nvidia), Removal of Story introduction movies when you first start the game, A brand new splash screen (You can ch SUPPORTS: BORDERLANDS 1 AND BORDERLANDS 2, AND PARTIALLY FOR THE PRESEQUEL! The Borderlands Ultimate mod has many fixes and features. You can choose which things to put in your game. You have to find three parts for Tina here. You will get a choice of Soldier, Hunter, Berserker, or Siren, and you will eventually have to make one of each to get the action skill trophies, so just choose whichever seems best for your style. At this stage of the game (about level 20), the hero requires sniper weapons that can deliver a lot of damage from far, and which can also bypass range. A feature film based on the popular video game set on the abandoned fictional planet of Pandora where people search for a mysterious relic. There are 19 story missions, or Chapters, in Borderlands 2. He became an interplanetary sharpshooting champion at the tender age of 17, only to be banned from the As of Borderlands 2. Mordecai had to be the most broken Vault Hunter in the original game. Tougher than I remember the first game being, in fact. Product Information. Mordecai = Big chunks of damage per shot, Bloodwing is at the edge of being TOO good, pistol damage can eventually outdamage the sniper. #4. the frozen heart. but even that ain't the best shield in borderlands 1. the best shield in borderlands is actualy a glitch Probably the overall best solo character in Borderlands 3 is the one that about half of players say theyre going to main. Navigation. 2 points in 2 F4ng. Cocky Bastard: N: 15%: Eista: 1: Let me tell you about my best friend. Link to my Twitter:'s going on guys! Here is a list of the very best shields in borderlands 3. While grinding side missions is often a great way to earn some XP in most RPGs, its hardly as rewarding in Borderlands 2. Support. Planet: Pandora Area: Konrads Hold Quest Giver: Brick Requirement: Complete Life of the Party Recommended Level: 33 Reward: $10,101 + "Roland is Borderlands was released in 2009, and combines traditional first-person shooter gameplay with character-building elements found in role-playing games, leading Gearbox to call the game a "role-playing shooter".Players choose to play as one of four characters: Lilith the Siren, Mordecai the Hunter, Brick the Berserker, and Roland the Soldier. The Borderlands Ultimate mod has many fixes and features. As for Borderlands 1, Hunter Class is the Best - MORDECAI. Voiced in English by: Oliver Tull (Borderlands 1), Markus Lloyd (Borderlands 2) Voiced in Japanese by: Daisuke Hirakawa. Throughout your journey, you will meet familiar faces known from the first game, among which the four original Vault Hunters (Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai) stand out. Hyperion. Video Guide: Where to find the best Vending Machine for Legendary Weapons. Charging this high-damage rocket launcher increases damage and ammo cost Essentially the new Yellowcake and Ion Cannon. A legendary primer. "Ham" you can get from dead body of Firebrand on upper level. Borderlands Mordecai Quote on Bloodwing kill: 128. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Wildlife Conservation Side Quest. This will guide the hero on how to complete the Rakkaholics Anonymous quest and get the Operational Sloth. but even that ain't the best shield in borderlands 1 . Forum:The best shield in borderlands 1. if your the type that likes/perfers to play 100% liget it's the hardened ironclad which has a max capacity of 3547 and a max recharge rate of 314. but if your a mooder/hacker its 2147483647 the recharge delay depends on the parts and the hex codding. Once here, run forward and you'll have to deal with defending the three points around the camp. Wildlife Conservation is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). Answer (1 of 11): Ive played all of the characters but the siren and the hunter are by far the best especially for solo play. An 5 points in Ambush Predator. Game Wiki. Explore lower and upper level killing all enemies. The Soldier is an excellent team player with the proper specs, although these might be different than the best solo specs. Over the course of the game, you will gain 46 skill points to place as you like into the various available skills. He will only circle above Mordecai if the hunter is running away or hiding behind cover. For stage one you should play through the story with the character of your choice. 3.89. Bloodwing can be Keep going until you come to a fence Hyperion personnel They are shown for the Normal playthrough. Hair Trigger - 5 points, +20% fire rate and +30% magazine size with pistols. Repair Time: -6.0s. Frightning's guide to the Gunslinger com - Mordecai the Hunter - The Official Gearbox Software Forums A popular com choice for Mordecai, the Gunslinger com is focused on buffing his effectiveness with Pistols of all types, it is one of his strongest offensive coms and is often his best offensive com to use with non-Pisto… Youll find specialised builds listed here This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Mordecai - The Hunter in Borderlands 1. Credit to Brick for being in the original Borderlands crew and for having some great lines, but when all is said and done, he's the weakest of the four to Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 69 Build. The second way of getting Plus Ultra Legendary Shield in Borderlands is by beating down the main boss Psychoreaver. A weapon with elemental damage has a chance to add extra damage of an elemental type to the target every time it fires. Mordecai, like Roland, is a strong character for 01. Most gear is either of interest to Lilith or Morcedcai.